3 Point Good To Know EV Charger Easily
What is an EV charger? The EV charger is also called a charging gun, which is used for the power supply of a new energy automobile, the electric vehicle. So far, there are 2 kinds of chargers in the market. One is the DC type, and another one is the AC type. There is the Level 1, Level 2, Level3. But the L1 and L2 are very popular in the market than L3. For more details, please see the following below. What is a level 1 EV charger? In fact, the Level 1 charging gun uses a usual 120-volt household outlet in the alternating current environment. Every electrical vehicle or plug-in hybrid can be charged on Level 1 by connecting the charging equipment into a regular wall outlet. However, Level 1 is the slowest means to charge an EV. It includes between 3 as well as 5 miles of range per hour. Level 1 charging works well for plug-in hybrid electric automobiles (PHEVs) because they have smaller-sized batteries, presently less than 25 kWh. Given that EVs have a lot larger batteries, Level 1 cha...